Monday, April 6, 2009


I have posted till part of the exercise from the first day of the workout and here follows the continuation. (read previous post )

Sitting in the current position hold the hip bone from both hands and keep the palm parallel to the ground. Take deep breaths as mentioned. ( breath in till 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 6 counts and hold for 2 counts.) Repeat the cycle 6-8 times.

Rest hands on thigh and relax with normal breathing.

Raise hands to armpit and hold chest allowing thumb to be in armpit, as before keep palm parallel to the ground. Take deep breaths on 4-4-6-2 rhythm.

Rest hands on thigh and relax with normal breathing.

Fold hands back and let palm rest touching back at the shoulder level. Take deep breaths in 4-4-6-2 rhythm.

Rest hands on thigh and relax with normal breathing.

Raise arms slowly while inhaling and lower the arm all of a sudden with forceful exhalation ,while lowering the hand clench the fist and lower till shoulder level. Repeat 15-20 times.

Rest hands on thigh and relax with normal breathing and take position as shown .

Take 20 long breaths, 40 medium breaths and 40 short breaths continuously and when finished, start with 20 long breaths and repeat the cycle thrice.

Rest hands on thigh and relax with normal breathing.

Lie down facing the ceiling for 10 mins ( shivasa) and roll onto right side and rest for 10 mins while norming breathing.

Sit up and take the above mentioned position and open the eyes slowly becoming aware of the surrounding.

This is the exercise carried out through out the 4 day course and with practice its easy to master the breathing techniques.

Summary of the lectures through out the program:

I'd love to share moral lessons of the program but since its very general and is same through out i'l skip the mumbo jumbo.

These exercises do really change the state of mind and hope it will benefit every one who tries.

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