Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just a thought on politics.

It’s been a while since i have been waiting for the dust to settle, but it seems that its not going to happen.

I would like to focus on the three musketeers, KF Nasheed (not King Fisher beer or Airlines but Kulhudhuffushi) and Dhiyaana Saeed.

The Three Musketeers

Yes I am talking about the three doctors who were the first to invent a method to pressure a dictatorship from inside and outside so that it turns to democratic means. This method includes arresting peaceful protesters and commenting on international media that MAG is the Father of Democracy in Maldives.

Dr Hassan as misconceived by many is not in anyway thriving for people’s interest, he came to Maldives quite recently and joined MAG's government and has always been in the circles of the "kamu voshivegenvaa meehun" since then. From then till today trying for the highest office. There is no fault in it but those cheap shots like resigning on 100th day, such n such nauseate me.

This Dr parted from DRP just because MAG wanted to run for the office for the 6th term instead of letting him. If for reform why not resign before. Why not just before that historic debate in which Dr Jameel was booed down.

Today Dr shaheed says DRP is going to walk back in the path of democracy. To say the least Dr shaheed and the trio were the ones who made this party such a strong hold to such an extent that anyone who wants to remain as a government employee should have the good quality membership card of DRP.
This is 2009 and no more can you pressure which ever way you like.

Talking of Dr Jameel i would like to tell a tale;
A kind hearted bird saw a turtle high up on land and inquired about his situation. After the good will talk the bird insisted on helping and bit a long stick and asked the turtle to bite the other end so that it can fly to the coast to leave the turtle at sea. As they flew turtle wanted to show off a bit and tried to speak to animal folks below, which birdy cautioned not to do. Too bad the turtle fell and died before reaching its destination.

It is sad to see young ambitious women to cut short her career like that. Yes she was the attorny general when she left but could not she be there for a full term and done a better job. Anyway you just cannot eat while biting the feeding hand.

KF Nasheed;

An advocate for smooth talking. A card holding member of DRP, who says he is an independant. I am ashamed of my fellow people who believe such crap. And now a motion to curtail president from directly appointing police and army chiefs but to appoint them through parliament, Its just a little too late for this since Nasheed and DRP advocated for a presidential form rather than a parliamentary form of governance.
However Nasheed’s bill on reducing Mp's salary deserves applaud.

To sum up

Why do we still believe when MAG and the likes say we are a small nation with little resources so this is all you are going to get! All these years we felt we are well versed just because an area less than 2km2 has sky scrapers and some basic facilities. Now we realize that even this 2km2 bit has more problems than solutions . Its time we erase MAG from the equation.