Saturday, April 11, 2009

Does alternate medicine work?

If homeopathy can cure mere fatal diseases using infinitely diluted solutions of salts or sugars and spirit seekers can communicate with the dead, Fanditha and all related witch crafts should effect the recipient.???

Some prescribed medicines in homeopathy are labeled as 12C or 13 c solutions and so on. 12c is equivalent to a pinch of salt in both the North and South Atlantic Oceans and 13c is a pinch in all the water on the planet. After all the medicine patient takes is mere absolute water. Still this works and patients get cured.???

The spirit seekers bring the dead and communicate with them. Help loved ones to communicate with the deceased and convey their feelings. Of course with code reading and manipulating the so called spiritual minds and with luck they often guess correctly.

For example if fanditha is done to make a person fall sick the very first strategy is to let the recipient know that something is being done to make the person sick which automatically leads the victim fall for the fanditha. Specially people who believe in it.

I recently consulted an Ayurvedic doctor from Kashmir who diagnoses just by feeling the patients fore arm using her finger tips (stone age doc i guess ). When i asked her why she do not use a stethoscope which would obviously help her to diagnose better the answer was simply- " this is how its done and i know what i am doing".

According to this doc we are made of three elements:
vata- air and space element. Inbalance in this leads to muscle and bone related sicknesses
pitta- fire element. Inbalance leads to digestive system related disorders.
kapha- water & earth element. Inbalance leads to allergies of all kinds.

I had imbalance in the latter two elements and had a hard time leaving without buying the prescribed medicines.

So how do these alternate medicines work. Do they work at all??

The conclusion i arrived to after much surfing is the placebo effect. The phenomenon in which the dummy medicines giving psychological assurance which triggers positive immune response alleviating minor symptoms. The same way we feel symptom free just by wearing a thaweedhu .

To sum up, its all just placebo and there is no supernatural element involved in any of these so called alternate medicines and sorcery kind of stuffs.


  1. Makes sense. I always thought so too that it's the placebo effect and that it's not mystical. But I've been advised by so many friends to try Chinese medical center. However, so far, I haven't made up my mind to do so. I feel that there just might be something that works in Chinese medicine for which we will find a scientific answer some day.

  2. some of their meds may work. because all these years weve been using these meds (herbal) to treat our sick.dhivehi beys does work sometimes. it is not all crap. not always.

  3. yea the so called hakeemee beys really works n it includes the same ingredients used in modern medicine.

    Iam pointing at homeopathy and soul seeker kinda stuffs.

  4. what do you think of weeds? you must be familiar with it..
