Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Indian bureaucracy, the worst in Asia

Referring to a 12 page report by Hong Kong-based Political & Economic Risk Consultancy Reuters reports, Singapore the most efficient bureaucracy while India ranks worst.

Report Quotes

India's "suffocating bureaucracy" was ranked the least-efficient by the survey, which said working with the country's civil servants was a "slow and painful" process.

"They are a power center in their own right at both the national and state levels, and are extremely resistant to reform that affects them or the way they go about their duties," PERC said.

Thailand, despite four years of on-off street protests and a year of dysfunctional government was ranked third.

"For all the country's troubles -- or perhaps because of them -- respondents to our survey were impressed with the way Thai civil servants have been carrying out their duties," PERC said.

It is important for a nation like us who just witnessed dawn of democracy under a new constitution and an independent civil service commission for the first time in history to learn from examples of Singapore and Thailand. At the mean time prevent the scenarios in India where corruption is wide spread and speed of bureaucracy is unbelievably slow.

Indeed it is no surprise for me to hear this since my three years of stay here has given me first hand experience of how they work. I hate to generalize but 99 out of every 100 Indian has the potential of becoming a parasite. They can instantly become brokers or dealers.

According to my personnel experience and other foreigners the most frequent phrase Indian civil servants use is - DO ONE THING, COME TOMORROW!

(Reuters news article)


  1. Yup. It is a wonder how India even operates as a nation. Slow, staggering. Yet, when you visit any city in India, you can't help but be impressed that everything goes on somehow -- like a great machine, with all its 'soab thah' working together to a tune I can't figure out yet! India's railways are the best in working order I think! I am quite impressed.

  2. this three years in india, i have become kind of a racist.this is one of the main reasons. lol.very true about that common phrase. two days back a guy at a private travel agency yelled and almost hit me for asking him to wait a second and called my friend to confirm the times and number of seats from the bus.would be better not to talk about police abuse.

  3. And we're going to get annexed by those sellout bastards?!. I don't think so!. *Authorizes the nuclear option... target Antarctica.*

  4. Indians are like powered machines. they work from dawn to late night without exhaustion yet like penal laborers with 70s machines. working with them and observing their work will be a "painful process".
    i think their labor-market and efficiency of work can be increased by the effective use of machines.
    corruption is another breaker of Indian development.A very planned and organized activity. can only be stopped with a dynamic leader in power and imposing stern laws i believe.

    another problem is deep rooted tradition in India. Government cannot enforce laws in rural areas mostly social issues are of major concern.
    India is among the lowest rank in human development index. and shortage of proper health facilities and personnel are one of the concern in rural areas. however they holds top position in migration of physicians to developed countries,truly suggesting Indians do not care. And have steps to cross before they can come in same line with countries like Singapore where stern laws are imposed.
